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Caring for hair in transition

You have finally decided to assume your beautiful curly hair?

hair transition curly hair care
Hair transition curly hair care
hair transition big chop

We are here to support you in this change!

Hair transition is always a delicate period. It requires treating relaxed afro-textured hair with patience and effectiveness as you will progressively eliminate the relaxed hair and promote the growth of “new” hair.
This transition can also occur after coloring, bleaching, Brazilian straightening or waves.
During the transition, the altered hair will remain fragile, so you’ll need to be vigilant until regrowth is complete and even afterward! However, you will no longer have two but only one type of hair to treat.
Starting off with a good haircut is essential. Sure, there are those brave ones who opt for a buzz cut (the Big Chop) and embrace this radical change, but most of you start by evening out the ends for easier styling. Lupita Nyong’o has her followers but you can very well choose other types of hairstyles.
In the meantime, removing split ends and broken hair can only benefit you! 
Below, we will see how to style your hair in transition but let’s start by looking at how to treat it:
- First of all, space out shampoos; once a week is sufficient, even for the mildest shampoos. Wash your hair with Co-Wash Nutri-Detangling Cleansing Cream. It gently eliminates all the accumulated residue that suffocates your scalp and enables you to optimize the effectiveness of your haircare efforts to space out your shampoos. Excessive use leads to the dehydration of the scalp, but hair needs natural moisture and “new growth” needs a boost. Give that new growth the “Hydra Growth Lotion” and your hair will grow out of this phase, healthy and happy!
- For beautiful, strong hair from root to tip, use Hair Booster Hydra-Growth Lotion as a leave-in treatment. With Shea Butter Extract and Amla-based antioxidants, it has a powerful regenerating effect, it stimulates hair growth and hydrates the scalp. You can apply the lotion evenly to your scalp using the Kairly Paris spray bottle.
- Massage your scalp. It’s easy to do, relaxing and great for improving blood-flow and boosting hair growth. Shea butter is the perfect product to support this habit and reinforce its effectiveness.
- Opt for hairstyles that combine the two textures: coily and relaxed hair: loose braids, loose buns, classic plaits or twists. Bringing together the 2 stages/states of the hair helps to harmonize this transitional phase. 
Twist Outs allow you to get these hairstyles without tightening or pulling that would slow down the regrowth; once undone, they leave behind beautiful curls that last up to 4 days.
Bantu Knot Outs also have their followers: they allow the regrowth to air out while waiting for the return to their natural texture. 
- Headscarves are your friends. Together with headbands, they allow you to wrap unruly hair in seconds. Imany is a fan and she is not the only one. She proves that we can combine “glamour” and turbans in all fashionitude. 
Nevertheless, you must take care of your hair even when it’s hidden under scarves or turbans. Your hair still needs hydration as much as it needs nutritional reinforcement! 
Whether massaged or sprayed on, Leave-In Hydra-Protective Styling Lotion is the right product. 
curly hair care
Leave_in curly hair care
shea butter curly hair care
Hair grows about 0.8cm to 2cm per month, but the right treatments and habits can help. So yes, it takes a little patience but I hope these tips will help you get through it!
And because we are so nice, we have created a routine just for you, the Haircare Detox routine pack!
And feel free to find us on social media Facebook and Instagram.
You will find haircare tips and routines: to help your hair grow, protect it, nourish it, hydrate it, avoid breakage, and make it strong and shiny.
curly hair care
Crédit photos: ISTOCK